Archive for December, 2013

My uncle is very keen about his health and always keeps himself fit through exercise. He will be found involved in one activity or another. He is also too frequent on taking us to the morning walk or gym and we are in no mood to carry ourselves for such a rigorous activity.
He lectures us often on being smart and active and doing some sort of exercise. He is also very particular in separating his wardrobe work and occasion wise. He has tracksuits for jogging and separate track pants for his gym sessions. He also suggests us to keep two pairs of track pants for our walk and jog.
Recently he bought a vibrant colored tracksuit online and surprised us one fine morning by appearing in front of us in the same. We were so shocked to see him in than neon bright colour. But he looked cheerful and younger than his age. I was startled in a pleasant way and wanted to buy a neon coloured track pant for myself too.

After my uncle’s suggestion to buy tracksuit online, I finally chose two pair sand bought them at reasonable prices. They were amazing to wear and also very comfortable. This whole experience of tracksuit online shopping has made me happier and hopeful from before and I finally became more conscious about getting up early and going for a morning walk. Now, I have almost lost few pounds and I really feel great about my weight. Thanks to my uncle.