Archive for the ‘Vector-x Volleyballs’ Category

My younger brother is an athlete and a lover of games, especially basketball and volleyball. He loves to play his favourite sports on weekends and his entire day is spent in the playground behind our house.
This playground has a huge badminton court and a basketball court where teenagers practice their respective games during the evenings. My brother will be seen here ideally every other day, as he spends each alternate day there in the playground after his school. His 3 hours of continuous game practice or involvement has become a daily need for him and he manages to take out time for this from his studying hours.
Then he will be found studying late till night to complete his task and not lack behind in studies. He performs quite well in his class but his main focus always remains on his games and his sports.

He wants to be a player when he grows old. His idea about life is totally different from other kids of his age. His friends are quite fond of him and give him a lot of support through his practice sessions. He is now planning to get a coach to carry on his sports practice regularly. So, before his final practice being started up, father has bought him an entire kit of sports accessories related to his game. It has bright Cosco volleyball and other essential stuffs and my brother is in a very spirited mood to start his regular practice soon. My father is delighted and looking to shop online for volleyball more often.